Blue Collar Culture
The Blue Collar Culture Podcast is for business owners and leaders who work for a living. You've scratched and clawed to build your business. You don't have ping-pong tables and nap pods, you employ down-to-earth, hard-working men and women who aren't afraid to get their hands dirty.
This podcast is about you. We highlight your stories of success and share the secrets to winning with Blue Collar Culture.
95 episodes
Get Ready For A New Season
In this last episode of Blue Collar Culture, Ryan Englin and Jeremy Macliver express their gratitude to everyone and talk about their upcoming projects.
Episode 94

Get Out Of The Weeds & Act Like An Owner With Adriane Woodrum
Join Financial Coach at Business Development Resources, Adriane Woodrum, as she shares why owner involvement is always crucial in securing business financials.
Episode 92

Why Your Current Marketing Sucks With Brittany Murphy
Marketing strategies can dictate either a triumphant success of a business or a tragic waste of resources. The worst part is that most businesses with poor marketing decisions don’t realize they are doing something wrong until it’s too late! That’...
Episode 93

The WSR Is Your #1 Growth Tool With Bryan Kaplan
Everyone wants to drive their business to success. Good thing we have so many tools at our disposal that could help us achieve that. But what is the best one out there? In this episode, Bryan Kaplan of Construction Consulting shares his wealth of ...
Episode 90

Innovate Your Business In Two Steps With Carla Johnson
What really is innovation? And what does it take for an innovative idea to be formed? In today’s episode, Carla Johnson shares how a business can effectively innovate in two steps! Carla is a global keynote speaker, a best-selling author, and a re...
Episode 91

Steward Your Business To Growth With Justin Carrol
If business leaders take good care of their employees, they will most likely return the favor by performing at their best. This healthy reciprocation leads to a rewarding company culture and significant business growth. In this conversation with J...
Episode 89

Working With And Not Against Each Other With Sue Dyer
Did you know that construction is the only industry in the United States that, for 53 years, has decreased in productivity points every year? That is happening because they tend not to depend on one another. Construction needs to be built in a hig...
Episode 88

How To Be A Present Entrepreneur With Jordan Abaroa
Sometimes your business ends up consuming more time than you would like. It's hard to be a present entrepreneur – one that balances being an entrepreneur and a provider of the family. But it's not impossible. Finding time for those family vacation...
Episode 87

$50,000,000 Per Year In Revenue In Only 2 Hours Per Week With John Akhoian
The biggest myth in the home service industry is that owning your business is going to make you rich. That isn't the case because there are so many people that own their businesses and are far from being rich.Being a business owner is like being a...
Episode 86

Keep 12% More Revenue With This One Trick With Kyle Hunt
Did you know that you can keep more revenue without changing prices or cutting costs with just one trick? Kyle Hunt says that the most important thing you can do for your business is knowing your numbers. By doing so, you can maintain up to 12% mo...
Episode 85

Double Your Close Rates With Zac Garside
What if we told you the secret to doubling your close rates starts with that first phone call? That's right! Your business's customer service representatives have a bigger hand in crafting a positive customer experience and driving more sales than...
Episode 84

Date Your Clients With Mark Young
We all have relationships that we get into that require communication, setting expectations, and commitment and the employee-employer relationship is no different. Today's guest has identified parallels and creatively conceptualized a metaphor bet...
Episode 83

Inspiring Your Team To Connect With Your Mission With Tony Martignetti
If you want to inspire your team to work harder and better, you need to give them a mission that they align with. Make them know that they are creating meaningful work. No one wants to do something without any greater purpose behind that. As a lea...
Episode 82

Only 100 Pennies To Transform Your Culture With Alex Freytag
As a business owner, you want to create the best possible work culture for your employees. One way to do that is by being transparent on the financial side of things. Start educating your employees about the business and what makes and doesn't mak...
Episode 81

Building a Team of Service Technicians Who Can Sell With Chris Fresh
If you're struggling to get more sales and want to increase your business's revenue and profitability, you've come to the right place. Joining us on today's episode to share tips on how to build a team who can sell and scale your business is Chris...
Episode 80

Get Your Employees To Care As Much As You Do With Dane Sanders
We all know that not every job will be our dream job. But that doesn't mean we can't find ways to love our current jobs. But how can leaders help employees love theirs? That is what Dane Sanders, Co-Founder and CEO of Tell Me Your Dreams, speaks a...
Episode 79

Old School Thinking is Causing Your People to Leave
Employee retention has always been an issue, and recruiters aren't solving the issue. The COVID-19pandemic only accelerated the retention problem that companies are facing today. So how can managers reduce unnecessary employee turnover? That's the...
Episode 78

The 5 P's Of An Amazing Business With Pete Mohr
There are a myriad reasons for business failure. As an entrepreneur, you have to acquire the knowledge and skills to run your business smoothly. Things are very unpredictable, and your plans may not succeed, but you still have to keep going. You m...
Episode 77

Recruit Better & Sell Better With A Brand Story With Philip St. Jacques
The marketing and branding of your company impacts so much more than just sales. Marketing for existing customers, new customers, and technicians are all connected. In this episode, Philip St. Jacques of WorkWave explains the importance of buildin...
Episode 76

Change Your Results With This Single Shift with David Taylor-Klaus
Work-life balance isn’t as simple as separating work from personal life. Balancing both aspects of your life would only be successful if you learn how to make them work together. David Taylor-Klaus shatters the very concept of work-life balance fo...
Episode 75

Why Marketing Should Run Your Hiring Process With Jason Piasecki And Richard Witham
When talking about a company's hiring process, the HR department comes to mind. If you face some challenges when acquiring and retaining people, perhaps you need to try a refreshing strategy. Featured in this episode is Jason Piasecki, a Partner a...
Episode 74

Attract Talent With The TikTok For HVAC With Aaron Salow
Finding and attracting good people in the trades is a challenge right now. New technology is emerging, and today’s guest has figured out how to use it to solve this problem. Aaron Salow is the Founder/CEO of XOi Technologies, which helps contracto...
Episode 73

Blue Is The New White With Josh Zolin
It's no secret that there is a labor shortage in the trades and it’s no secret that a lot of the younger generation has turned away from it. There are so many things stacked against employers right now that make it a lot harder for them to make th...
Episode 72

Bulletproof Your Business With These Five People With Tersh Blissett
Without these five crucial people, you can’t bulletproof your business. Ryan Englin welcomes Tersh Blissett, the Founder of Service Emperor and Host of the Service Business Mastery Podcast. To make your business succeed, you need to have these fiv...
Episode 71

A Better Way To Pay Techs With Ellen Rohr
“If you got into the trade because you love the trade, then that is a big plus, but the money is a whole different ball game.” That’s one of the biggest things that Ellen Rohr learned after a long and fruitful career in the service business. Ellen...
Episode 70