Blue Collar Culture
The Blue Collar Culture Podcast is for business owners and leaders who work for a living. You've scratched and clawed to build your business. You don't have ping-pong tables and nap pods, you employ down-to-earth, hard-working men and women who aren't afraid to get their hands dirty.
This podcast is about you. We highlight your stories of success and share the secrets to winning with Blue Collar Culture.
Blue Collar Culture
$50,000,000 Per Year In Revenue In Only 2 Hours Per Week With John Akhoian
Ryan Englin and Jeremy Macliver
Episode 86
The biggest myth in the home service industry is that owning your business is going to make you rich. That isn't the case because there are so many people that own their businesses and are far from being rich.Being a business owner is like being a generalist. You're doing payroll, running calls, doing estimates, and doing it all. You need to delegate some work to specialists that can do that.The key to growing your business is consistency. Don't do it once or twice, but actually become so consistent that you're doing it over and over and over again.How I Grew My Residential Service Company To $50,000,000 In 9 Years - https://www.amazon.sg/Grew-Residential-Service-Company-years/dp/B08847Y9SJ